Monday, September 27, 2010

Someone tell me how to get rid of this annoying new kitten!

He scares me.  He has so much energy and runs around constantly.  He chases me & swats at my butt with his paws.  And my mom is paying way too much attention to him.  I don't know why she thinks he's so cute.  I hate having attention taken away from me!  I've started spending more time playing with her beads.  At least that way I get her attention.
My Mom told me that in October she's going to do something called a promotion.  The 25th person to sign up to follow this blog will get a free pair of earrings!  You can choose any earrings in her Etsy shop.  The 50th person will get a free necklace.  For that you can choose 1 of the necklaces shown in the Necklace page of this blog.  To follow, just click the Follow button on this page.    If you have any questions about this post a comment and we'll post the answer.
Okay, so here's a picture of this annoying kitten.  Can any of you tell me why my mom thinks he's so cute?

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Labor Day? What is THAT??

I've heard labor is the same thing as work.  I'm a cat, so I don't do that.  My only job is to look pretty so my mom will scratch me, pet me, and feed me. 
I'm getting used to the little black kitten, although I still don't like him.  I've figured out that as long as he's sleeping I don't have to worry about him.  This is great because I feel safe enough to lay on the bed with my mom again.  I missed that.  I like to lay beside her while she watches that box with moving things in it (she calls it "TV").  Lately I've taken to sleeping on her head while she sleeps.  It's nice and warm there.
She hasn't made too many new jewelry pieces lately.  I haven't been in the mood to help her design - I've discovered a new spot to look out the window, so I spend most of my time there.  Since I turned 16 last month, I've been a little sleepier than usual.  I suppose I should take a look at some of her beads and give her some advice, though.  But that sounds like work, and like I said, I don't do that.  She did make this necklace without my help - she said something about "om".  Maybe she just said "um".  Who knows?  Time for a nap.
Ta ta!